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PJ Officiates at 5th Annual Insolvency Conference
Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, officiated at the opening of the fifth Annual Insolvency Conference for Judicial Officers

On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, officiated at the opening of the fifth Annual Insolvency Conference for Judicial Officers at the Mestil Hotel in Kampala. The Conference was attended by a cross-section of judicial officers. 

The Principal Judge said the training was timely given the fact that the country is still recovering from the COVID -19 Pandemic and its attendant problems. He implored the participants to embrace corporate rescue mechanisms in addition to handling such matters with utmost care and urgency. 

This, he noted was part of their key roles in the 'insolvency eco-system'.  The Principal Judge explained that the World Bank adopted principles for Effective Insolvency and Creditor/Debtors regimes which emphasize among others, striking a careful balance between liquidation and re-organization of businesses, allowing for easy conversion of proceedings from one proceeding to another.

Ms Mercy Kainabwisho, the Registrar General of Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) said this year's Conference theme, 'Emerging Trends in Corporate Restructuring in Uganda: Whatto Expect and How to Prepare' was a continuation of last year's Insolvency Law training for Judicial Officers.

On his part, Amb. Francis Butagira,the Chairman Board of Directors URSB, said the aim was to help ailing companies to get back to their feet and called upon the Judiciary to set up a division of the High Court or special sessions to deal with Insolvency matters.

The Chairperson Governing Council,Judicial Training Institute, Hon. Justice Mike Chibita observed that the number of insolvency cases had increased and there was a need for Judicial officers to be well versed with Insolvency Law to expeditiously handle such cases. 

The participants were taken through trends, lessons, new perspectives and case studies on Insolvency.

The lead facilitators of the training were Justices; Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire (Court of Appeal), Hon.Justice Musa Ssekaana (High Court) and Hon. Justice Alaster Norris, a retired Judge of the High Court in England/Wales who sits on the Judicial Group Committee of INSOL International. 

Mr Mustapher Ntale, the Managing Partner Ligomarc Advocates and Mr Kabiito Karamagi, the Director of Insolvency and Receivership at URSB moderated the program.

Posted 23rd, March 2022
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